Candidates gain insight into Wealth Management careers thanks to Brokerage Bootcamp hosted by Quilter Foundation.
Over 30 Brokerage candidates and 15 volunteers attended Senator House in London for a Full-Day Intensive Boot Camp event packed full of career advice, sector insight, and mock interview sessions.
Mock Interviews, pitches and presentations
The day commenced at 10:00 a.m. with a distinguished panel of sector volunteers, who graciously shared their wisdom with our candidates. Their candid discussions about their personal career journeys, encompassing both triumphs and setbacks, provided invaluable insights into the industry.

Valuable interview takeaway points for candidates from the industry volunteers included:
- Set your goals and be focused.
- Build resilience for possible rejections – the right job is out there.
- Don’t underestimate your transferable skills.
- Candidates don’t have to tick every box when applying for a job – the key is a willingness to apply yourself.
- It’s who you are as a person that will get you the job. STAND OUT – STAND PROUD
- Join clubs and participate in extra out-of-college activities – a way to network.
- Investment is a vast industry – build knowledge by applying for non-permanent roles and moving around and learning.
- Join LinkedIn – Build your brand and make connections.
- Challenge yourself – do the things that make you feel uncomfortable!
- Keep attending The Brokerage events until you secure a role for yourself.
Mock Interviews
The Brokerage welcomed volunteers from Quilter, Deutsche Bank, Baringa, IQUW, and Westfield Speciality. The mock interviews began following a presentation from Academy Programme Manager Chaneice Mistry highlighting tips and skills for presenting in an interview situation.
Careers in Wealth Management are vast. The Brokerage partners with Quilter to raise the industry profile and highlight that a diverse workforce is profitable and productive.

The Brokerage facilitates networking for candidates
The opportunity to sit one-on-one with an employer and gain valuable experience is how The Brokerage Candidates equip themselves with the essential skills to move forward in their careers. We cannot thank our volunteers enough for taking time to support young people with these experiences.
Presentation Pitch
The event ended with candidates being presented with a fictional challenge to pitch a business idea to the rest of the group. Part of the activity included evaluating how they would break down their costing into operating expenses. The challenge was assessed based on the slogan, goals, finance projections, and overall cost needed to grow the business idea.

The Brokerage would like to thank The Quilter Foundation and Harvinder for facilitating the event at Senator House and all the volunteers and candidates who joined and supported the day.
If you want to address the diversity and equity culture within your organisation – reach out to our Partnership Team by visiting the below link:

View the photos from the event here