Mentees graduate from the IntoWork mentoring programme.

The IntoWork Mentoring programme aims to develop the professional skills of school leavers, undergraduates and graduates from London boroughs by working one to one with a mentor from the Lloyd’s market over the summer through a series of structured mentoring meetings.

This year, 28 mentees graduated from the initiative funded by Lloyd’s Community Programme, and we were delighted to celebrate their achievements at the graduation event on Thursday 6th September.

IntoWork Mentoring Graduation

We were excited to hear what finalists of the programme’s presentation challenge had to say on the following topic:

 “The Lloyd’s market has existed for 330 years. What does it need to do in order to still be here for another 330 years?”

With interesting and well-argued suggestions put forward on diversity, agility and rebranding, it was a tough decision. A huge thanks goes to Neil Smith, Pippa Vowles and Ruth Brinded, who are all members of the Lloyd’s Community Programme management board, for being brilliant judges!

IntoWork Mentoring Graduation

Although all presentations were thought provoking, there can only be one winner. After much deliberation, Nizam Miah was awarded first place, with Janet Eniraiyetan and Oladipupo Osoba taking second and third place respectively.

We were also delighted to present awards in the following categories:

Mentee that improved and developed the most through this initiative:
Shuyej Uddin

Mentee that was the most dedicated throughout the process:
Ola Osoba

The most inspirational mentor who had inspired their mentee to do more:
James Gill, underwriting manager at WRB Underwriting

Most dedicated mentor who has gone above and beyond:
Monika Rachwal, compliance officer at Willis Tower Watson

IntoWork Mentoring Graduation

During the initiative, the mentors and mentees took part in a series of tasks around networking, goal settings and job applications. Congratulations to mentee Priscilla Pereira and mentor Fraser Barr, who were chosen as the winners for this challenge.   

Using the confidence and skills they’ve developed over the past couple of months, the mentees networked like true professionals for the rest of the evening whilst enjoying a selection of canapés and drinks – what a great way to spend a Thursday evening!

IntoWork Mentoring Graduation

We caught up with a couple of mentees following the programme. Here’s what they had to say:

“My mentor Jonathan went well above what I expected of him, which allowed me to be more engaged with the programme and its challenges.” Harry Lyons

“I thoroughly enjoyed this programme and I am very grateful for being able to present at the graduation event.” Oladipupo Osoba

Well done to everyone involved, and a huge thank you to the Three Rooms Club for kindly donating prizes to the presentation winners.

If you’re a young person interested in signing up for programmes like this, please visit our mentoring page.

If you’re a graduate or apprentice within the Lloyd’s market and you’d like to enquire about mentoring, please get in touch via Lloyd’s Community Programme.

  • Just wanted to let know the online mentoring sessions have been amazing and it’s been very helpful so far. Also, I wanted to thank you for setting this programme up! It’s honestly been great and I’m very thankful you’ve been able to help me and others ease into this program the way you have.

    Waseem, YP Online Mentee