The Brokerage receives bronze Work Experience Quality Standard accreditation

We are delighted to announce that we’ve been accredited bronze Fair Train Work Experience Quality Standard.

The Work Experience Quality Standard is a national accreditation, which recognises those organisations offering high quality work experience opportunities to their learners, and managing risk effectively.

We provide work experience at The Brokerage to help individuals develop key transferrable skills, which they will need in the world of work.

“I had an amazing time this week and couldn’t have chosen a better place for my work experience! Thank you for all the amazing opportunities you’ve given me and for teaching me so many new things” – student from Mulberry School for Girls.

The accreditation provides us with a framework to ensure the work experiences we offer are high quality. The frameworks were developed with support from the Department for Education, Ofsted, National Apprenticeship Service, National Careers Service, TUC, TSNLA, AELP and AoC, as well as employers and learning providers.

Read about how we’re connecting young Londoners and employers.

  • I saw a clear improvement in myself from the introduction to graduation of the mentoring programme as I was able to relax more and begin to enjoy networking.

    Brokerage Mentee