Why does the UK need The Brokerage?

Building Connections: Why The Brokerage is Needed.

Discover the answers in our latest report, Building Connections: Why The Brokerage is Needed.

Through in-depth surveys and interviews, we explore why young people from under-represented backgrounds require additional support to access professional careers. Many face financial struggles, lack the networks to break into the City and encounter barriers their more privileged peers don’t. Yet, they remain ambitious and determined to succeed. With companies striving for diversity, these candidates are ready to thrive—if given the right opportunities.

Download the report here and share with your networks:

Why The Brokerage is needed_Report 2024

Why The Brokerage is needed_Report 2024

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  • The team at The Brokerage have put together a very well thought out programme. They have even asked students to trial their content and have taken our thoughts into their consideration. All the modules will be really helpful to me because they target exactly what I am not sure about such as how to write a good CV and cover letter, and how to use LinkedIn most effectively. I think this has been a very beneficial opportunity to me; I can’t wait to start the programme!

    YP Elika