How London employers can support tomorrow’s workforce

The government’s National Careers Strategy states that schools should offer every young person at least seven encounters with employers during their secondary education.

Through our corporate-focused interventions, we’ve seen first-hand the positive effect that meetings with employers can have on young minds. With their absence of knowledge of the working world but eagerness to learn, most leave excited and intrigued. Their perceptions of the business world and the people within it are broken down. They’re ready to explore the career options available to them, options they didn’t even know existed.

A staggering 37% of employees in the financial services sector are educated at private schools, despite just 7% of the UK population being privately educated. It’s clear to see that barriers to employment need to be broken down so that young people, no matter what their background, are given the chance to develop the career of their choice.

At The Brokerage we believe a person’s ability and aspiration alone should be their passport to a successful career. Why should their background impact upon their future? Employers are integral to great careers advice. What better way to inform and inspire a young person than by connecting them with working professionals?

I’ve seen countless numbers of young people come through our doors who have gone on to achieve remarkable careers, simply because they were given the necessary information, guidance and support. Alumni members (people we have supported who are now giving something back) include the head of artificial intelligence and an associate director at an international bank, the HR director at another international bank, and a number of people in senior roles within financial, professional and related services.

Maria, one of our more recent beneficiaries, gained a paid internship through The Brokerage at insurance company Beazley. With no prior knowledge of the sector, Maria found she enjoyed working within insurance, something she’d never have known had it not been for that connection.

Currently studying physics at King’s College London and interning for the Managing General Agents’ Association, a not-for-profit organisation focused on shaping the future of delegated underwriting in the UK, Maria is now on her way to achieving her new dream of becoming an actuary.

She said, “Without The Brokerage I would not have begun a career in the insurance sector. They’re a source of support that candidates from my background would otherwise not have.”

We appreciate it can be overwhelming for companies who don’t have the resources to actively support the next generation, so we provide tried and tested ways for businesses to help the workforce of tomorrow whilst providing accessible volunteering opportunities for their employees.

Aspiration-raising workshops
Guided tours of your offices and mock interviews with your employees.

Sessions on specific business topics.

Insight days
Talks, presentations and networking sessions.

121 advice and guidance sessions.

City Giving Day on 25th September could be the perfect opportunity for businesses to take that first step. You don’t have to do it alone; partner with a charity, client or even a competitor to get started.

Our young people have incredible talent but few contacts or networks. With some of the most exciting careers available on their doorstep, helping to bridge that gap is what gets me up in the morning. I hope we can inspire more businesses to get on board.

Bridget Gardiner, executive director, The Brokerage

First published in City Matters (page 19).

  • Before The Brokerage gave a presentation at my school, I didn’t even know what an internship was. I just thought it was something that university students do. Fast forward a few months and here I am, working in the heart of London.

    Brokerage Intern