Research shows link between career talks and better grades

Motivated to achieve: how encounters with the world of work can change attitudes and improve academic achievement, says Education and Employers.

A study undertaken by Education and Employers shows how young people have gone on to achieve higher GCSE results after speaking with professionals about the world of work.

For the first time, strong links have been demonstrated between young people’s engagement with the world of work through career talks and their GCSE attainment.

This new research, entitled ‘motivated to achieve’ shows that participation in employability talks with volunteers from the world of work can change the attitudes of Key Stage 4 (14-16 years old) pupils to their education.

At The Brokerage we’ve seen first-hand the positive impact that interactions between student and employers can have. During our aspiration-raising workshops, students are introduced to the world of work and the professionals within, helping them gain insight into what working life is like within London’s shiny buildings.

Speaking at one of our primary school workshops, hosted in the heart of London, one teacher said: “Today has really opened their eyes to the opportunities available to them in the workforce.”

A huge thank you to our corporate volunteers who help paint a picture of the working world and inspire our young people to think about their next steps!

  • Thank you Tom for all the hard work you have put into this, it has made a significant difference to our students, especially some of our lower ability kids who have unfortunate life problems. It truly is an inspiration to work alongside The Brokerage.

    Reed Smith Mentor