Corporate Leaders Forum on 1 October

Corporate Leaders Forum

The Brokerage’s next Corporate Leaders Forum is scheduled to take place during National Inclusion Week on Thursday 1st October at 12:00-1:30pm.

The focus of this forum will be on how our young people have been affected by the recent exam algorithm and how we as partners can support them on a short and long-term basis, through continuing to create access and addressing recruitment processes.

The Brokerage’s Corporate Forums are an excellent opportunity for leaders to share learning, network and learn about relevant and topical matters.

If you are interested in attending, please get in contact with Susheel Sharma at



  • Before The Brokerage gave a presentation at my school, I didn’t even know what an internship was. I just thought it was something that university students do. Fast forward a few months and here I am, working in the heart of London.

    Brokerage Intern