The Brokerage Summer Placement Programme

Are you a London employer looking to reach talented young people, expand your future talent pipeline and meet your CSR goals? Hosting an internship through our Summer Placement Programme could help!

With the aim of boosting social mobility, the Summer Placement Programme provides London-based employers with access to our bright, local cohort of young people.

Through hosting paid internships of 4-13 weeks, the programme could help your business meet your CSR objectives, diversity goals and recruitment needs.

Aside from the young person’s salary (we strongly recommend a minimum of London Living Wage) and any training provided to them, employer participation in this programme is completely free.

How does it work?

We’ll work with you to make sure that welcoming an intern (or interns) into your team is as easy as possible. The process is as follows:

  1. Decide on the number and duration of internships you would like to provide.
  2. Work with The Brokerage to confirm the job description, start date and selection process for your intern/s.
  3. The Brokerage will advertise the position, shortlist the best and most suitable CVs and co-ordinate interviews on your behalf.
  4. Interview and select your students for their placements.
  5. Check in with The Brokerage team at key points for support.

Read more about the Summer Placement Programme.

To find out how you could work with us, please contact our team:
020 7628 9904

This programme is available thanks to funding from Lloyd’s Community Programme and
The Worshipful Company of Insurers.


  • The Lloyd’s IntoWork Mentoring programme could not have picked a more suited pair to work together. We learnt a lot from each other over the months of the programme and have since established a firm friendship that has and will continue to extend into the future.

    Brokerage Mentor