Reha Begum, Senior Product Counsel, CNA Hardy


1. How did The Brokerage support you?

I got a 4 month temporary contract role at QBE as an assistant. This was a pivotal moment at the start of my career in the insurance industry. Without this opportunity, I would never have been reached my current position. The Brokerage is genuinely an incredible platform, helping those that feel they have limited opportunities, reach their potential.

2. Please tell us about your career path.

Following the completion of my A Levels, I was completely unsure about which path to take and was considering teaching or nursing/social care. I did a nursing role for 3 months to gain some experience but decided it wasn’t for me. Following conversation with friends, I decided to seek a job in the Financial Services sector. I secured a temporary contract at QBE via The Brokerage where I then stayed for 3 years in a role they created specifically for me. I then moved to CNA Hardy where I have been for almost 5 years and am a Senior Product Counsel. I also hold various roles outside of my day-to-day at CNA including:

  • Associate Board Member at the IICF (Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation)
  • London Insurance Life Ambassador for the LMG (London Market Group)
  • Business Mentor for Lloyd’s
  • Steering Committee member for a number of committees at the IUA (International Underwriting Association) & LMA (Lloyd’s Market Association)

3. What impact has The Brokerage had on your career?

I feel without The Brokerage, I would not be where I am today. The Brokerage is genuinely an incredible platform, helping those that feel they have limited opportunities, reach their potential. They also inspired me to give back to the community and helping those young people like me. I spread the word about The Brokerage to young people that I meet during my mentoring, careers seminars and university visits.

4. What advice can you give to young people currently registered with The Brokerage?

Network as much as you can during work experiences and internships. The Brokerage provides many networking events – these are extremely important to attend. The more contacts you have in the market, the better. Try not to be afraid of asking questions – people often forget that professionals take time out to attend networking events to help young people.
It’s so important to embrace every opportunity no matter how daunting. You will absolutely never regret it.

  • I can truly say that The Brokerage has made all the difference in shaping my career into what it is today.

    Brokerage Intern