Ime Udoh – business analyst with ICAP

Case study: Ime Udoh

Ime Udoh
How did you first get involved with The Brokerage?
I heard about it from a friend  who had signed up for the City of London Business Traineeship scheme. I visited The Brokerage and signed up for the programme too. I got some really good support in developing my interview skills. Naturally, I’m quite a confident person, but I wasn’t showing it. The Brokerage helped me to bring out my inner confidence in my interview answers. I then went for an interview with Société Générale and was offered a placement.

What did you learn on your placement?
I learnt all about the metal commodities market, from how the market works to the practicalities of actually trading at the London Metal Exchange. I was a clerk on the trading floor and my job was to capture completed trades and fax these to the back office back at Société Générale. It was a great experience and everyone there was very welcoming.

What surprised you most?
The fact that none of the people I was working with at Société Générale had a degree. I’d grown up hearing the then prime minister Tony Blair talking about ‘education, education, education’ and there was a real push for going to university. So to go on a placement in the City and find intelligent people who earned vast amounts but hadn’t studied was surprising.

What impact has the placement had on your subsequent career?
Working in commodities trading helped me to realise that I wouldn’t want to do that every day. I found the environment was too yelly and laddish. But it was an important step for me to discovering what I did want to do. My current role as a business analyst with ICAP is very analytical and people-based, which I love. That’s why I always encourage people to take part in the City of London Business Traineeship scheme. Even if you do an internship and you don’t end up with a job in the same field, it’s important for your self-development.

Find out about the experiences of another of our interns, Boaz Appiah

  • I can truly say that The Brokerage has made all the difference in shaping my career into what it is today.

    Brokerage Intern