Hosted and produced by our Changemaker Young Leaders, the A-Z talks podcast explores topical issues relating to young people, social mobility and our socio-political and economic landscape.

Our Changemaker Young Leaders are our most engaged and aspirational Brokerage candidates who want to help change the corporate world of work, making it more equitable and inclusive for other young people from underrepresented backgrounds.

Our A-Z podcast is only one way in which our Changemaker Young Leaders go about this. You can read more about our Changemaker Young Leaders and their involvement in our changemaker services here:

Listen to the trailer and look out for new episodes here:


and available on  the following platforms.






Our A-Z team members are:
Aadil Sonvadi,  Sophie Washbrook, Efetobre Efemini, Zahra Ali, Ibrahim Dayyan &  Edna Bannor.


  • I signed up with The Brokerage and attended a number of workshops which helped me to practice interview skills, improve my CV and prepare for online tests that can often be found in most application processes.

    Fast Track Candidate