Classroom sessions

We can visit your school and deliver a session tailored to the needs of your students. All sessions are designed to raise aspirations and give students insights into jobs in financial, professional and related services.

The first workshop is free for state schools in London thanks to funding from Allen & Overy LLP.

We can visit your school to:

  • Highlight our recruitment and internship programmes to Year 12 and 13 students
  • Deliver workshops on employability skills
  • Run our ‘Trading Game’ – a unique digital simulation of the stock market, which helps pupils advance their team working skills
  • Deliver mock interviews to students
  • Attend careers fairs

Trading Game workshop

If you’re a teacher, please register your interest in a classroom session for your year group. 

If you’re a student, please see our opportunities page. 

  • The Brokerage opened my eyes to a world of different opportunities that I could not have found on my own.

    Fast Track Candidate