Mentoring case study: Eniitan 

Q. How did you feel when you first met your mentor – where you nervous?
A. No, I wasn’t nervous, I was actually excited. At first I thought I’d be paired with a young employee at the company, but I was actually paired with someone older and wiser!

Q. How has your mentor been able to help you develop?
A. My mentor is always telling me to smile because that will help get me through a lot of things.  She’s also helped me with goal setting.

Q. Have you learnt anything about yourself whilst on the programme?
A. I’ve learnt to be myself.

Q. Do you feel you’ve gained insight into the working world, having spent time in a professional setting?
A. Yes, and what I have learnt I feel I can apply to other programmes and events that I take part in. In the summer I’m going to spend time at EY on work experience, so I’ll be able to apply what I’ve learnt over the past couple of months.

Q. What has been a highlight of the mentoring programme for you?
A. Presenting at the graduation event, but also meeting my mentor for the first time.

Q. What advice would you give to someone considering being mentored and would you recommend the Aspire programme?
A. It’s definitely a good thing to get involved with. You’ll get advice that you’ll be able to use in the future, even if you’re not sure what that looks like yet. It will also help prepare you for future interviews and develop insights.


Read about Maria’s experience on the IntoWork Mentoring programme.

  • I’d like to thank you for giving students the opportunity to take part in the schools essay competition. It was an enriching experience for all participants.
