Synechron is working together with The Brokerage, a social mobility charity based in the City of London, to help non-advantaged young Londoners achieve their full career potential.

The Brokerage helps young people to access careers in financial and professional services. They support over 8,000 students aged 10-24 every year, working across London’s most disadvantaged areas.

We’re racing in the London Triathlon because we believe in their vision of a world where a young person’s ability and aspiration alone determines their career path. All the money raised will go to their employability advice service which provides one-to-one career support for students. 

So please sponsor us! All donations are very much appreciated! 


Ben, Cameron and Ishan (Team Synechron!)

  • Just wanted to let know the online mentoring sessions have been amazing and it’s been very helpful so far. Also, I wanted to thank you for setting this programme up! It’s honestly been great and I’m very thankful you’ve been able to help me and others ease into this program the way you have.

    Waseem, YP Online Mentee