As a Brokerage candidate you will have the opportunity to participate in various internships offered by our partners and associate corporate companies. All our internship are periods of paid work experiences, that last for fixed periods of time, anywhere between 4 weeks to 6 months. They are undertaken by students and graduates looking to gain relevant skills, learn about the different sectors we work with and who want to learn more about different departments or particular job roles within a business.
Click here to see some of the companies we work with.
The Brokerage Summer Placement Programme (SPP)
In addition to traditional internships from companies we work with, The Brokerage also run an internship Summer Placement Programme, which runs from July until September. Offering paid internships from selected corporate companies that are virtual, hybrid or face to face. Recruitment for the Summer Placement Programme this year will start in October 2023 and end in July 2024. Placements will run between June 2024 and November 2024. Most placements are 6 to 12 weeks in length.
The Brokerage’s new virtual internships offering is the online arm of the Summer Placement Programme. As the world of work has changed significantly, The Brokerage have developed an innovative framework that allows employers to access young, diverse talent even while working remotely. Virtual internships will be 4 to 6 week paid placements and include bespoke pre-internship training, as well as additional support throughout the placements, such as frequent touch points with interns and line managers.
Our framework ensures that interns are able to do real meaningful work, experience company culture, and develop key professional skills.
Click here to find out more. If you need further information, then contact us here.
How to get involved?
Step 1. If you’re interested in the programme, sign up here.
Step 2. Once you’ve signed up, providing you meet the eligibility criteria stated below, you’ll be invited to an online process for registrations. We’ll use this time to find out a little bit about you and discuss the programme in more detail.
Please note that to take part, you must:
- Have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the past six years
OR previous generations in your family haven’t attended university in the UK - Have attained grades 9-5 at GCSE English Literature, English Language and Maths
- Be eligible to work in the UK
Read about previous interns Boaz Adppiah and Matthew Jakob.