Please use the links below to download resources for The Brokerage Online Mentoring Programme.

Remember, session plans below are just a guide. You may feel you want to discuss other topics or approach topics in a different way to that suggested in the content. This is absolutely fine.

If you’re not sure what to do, please reach out to your programme manager.

Here is our mentor Code of Conduct and here is a document that shows how each session plan connects to the Skills mapper.

Programme resources:

  1. Setting smart goals (PDF | DOC)
  2. Personal SWOT analysis (PDF | DOC)
  3. Managing your time effectively (PDF | DOC)
  4. Developing resilience (PDF | DOC)
  5. Creating a high impact CV (PDF | DOC)
  6. Writing a cover letter (PDF | DOC)
  7. Using Linkedin and creating an online brand (PDF | DOC)
  8. Preparing for an interview (PDF | DOC)
  9. Making the most of your time as an undergraduate (PDF | DOC)
  10. A day in the life of a financial services professional (PDF | DOC)
  11. A day in the life of a Tech professional (PDF | DOC)
  12. What is insurance? (PDF | DOC)
  13. What is investment banking? (PDF | DOC)
  14. What is corporate law? (PDF | DOC)
  15. What is technology? (PDF | DOC)
  16. Presentation skills – Content preparation (PDF | DOC)
  17. Presentation skills – Practice and delivery (PDF | DOC)
  18. Mentoring action plan (for final session) (PDF | DOC)
  • I saw a clear improvement in myself from the introduction to graduation of the mentoring programme as I was able to relax more and begin to enjoy networking.

    Brokerage Mentee